Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hello from the middle of the Atlantic Ocean

Phew – I’ve just had my very first yoga session – it was at 6.45 am but was really 5.45 am having lost an hour overnight (we lose an hour for the next 5 days until we reach Spain) I wasn’t exactly swinging a leg over my shoulder yet but may eventually get to that level (I will see how stiff I am tomorrow morning!)
Yesterday was certainly a memorable day with Barack Obama’s inauguration. All 700 students/staff & faculty watched it on widescreen TV screens on board - it was wonderful to be among young people feeling their excitement and enthusiasm. The whole of the one deck was decorated with flags, balloons and streamers and last night there was an inauguration party on board.
As of today we are 2700 nautical miles from Spain. We have a day in Cadiz and then go to Sevilla (2-hours from Cadiz) then onto Cordoba where we spend the night.
One my “blog” responder asked about the food and general life on board. Well breakfast consists of a large selection of fresh fruits, cereals, (hot & cold) a variety of eggs, bacon, sausages & then a large selection of muffins, croissants, bagels. There’s also several juices, coffee and tea. Lunch consists of a great variety of fresh salads, soups, cold and hot meats plus some sort of pasta dish. As well as a basket of fresh fruits, there’s always a selection of 2 desserts. Dinner again there’s salad, soups, at least 2 different roasted meats, fish and a vegetarian dish. There’s always 2 different desserts and since the arrival of the students there’s a huge tub of peanut butter and jello for students to make sandwiches which they take away with them (I suppose some of them enjoy a midnight snack!) Everything is displayed buffet-style but there’s always a waiter at the end of the line to carry one’s plate and cutlery to the table. We’ve made a point of eating with the students for at least one meal and have met some great people.
The faculty we are with are the most fascinating people from all different parts of the world. Gus has been given books from two of the faculty authors - we have such interesting conversations with them over a meal or over drinks in the faculty lounge at night. They’re all so well traveled and led such interesting careers.I went to my first class this morning – Global Studies – which is absolutely fascinating. The lecturer this morning was an Ecologist from California who was so interesting. Gus has been asked to sit on a Global Studies panel next week. Must close now – time to top up my tan on the top deck!


  1. Sue I am enjoying catching up with your journey so far. I do hope you have purchased some new toothpaste and will keep flossing!! : )

    My mind keeps wandering while I am reading the blog from thoughts of being at Sun City, to tales of my daughter's time in Seville to trying to figure out how I can get on a 4 month teaching cruise one day!!

    Thanks for the great descriptions! Lois

  2. All ok with Dad today (Thurs). He's very keen on his map and I have marked the 'latest' position (your navigator is very slow at updating and you had two positions on the map this morning!). Early forecast for Cadiz when you get there.... looks great. Sunny and about 16-18 degs (that's C!)

  3. Sue, your yoga descriptions were hilarious! I didn't realize you would be going to classes as well - that must be so much fun! It all sounds like a trip of a lifetime - keep writing so that we can all enjoy it with you!! Particularly appreciated Gus's comments about the toothpaste but can imagine that it was not well received!!
